Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Welsh Ramblings, an odd ...

... posting where the WR author writes "Free Public Transport in Cardiff", my first thoughts were "how much is this free lunch actually costing the taxpayers"?   Well, it might be free to the taxpayers if we are to believe WR, the post continues with ...

"... it is good to see that Plaid Cymru is now delivering free buses in the centre of Cardiff".  No problem it seems that Plaid Cymru are picking up the tab.  That's probably an illusion, Plaid paying.

The posting continues

"as part of Plaid's policy to make Cardiff a sustainable city."

I'm not quite sure how much influence this minor party has, they have 7 of 75 seats in Cardiff, in the greater scheme of things, wishful thinking probably.  It's a shame the money wasn't used to support business start-ups in Cardiff.

Another case of politicians becoming entrepreneurs, it's always easy when you just give away other peoples money, its akin to a "Ponzi scheme".


Hen Ferchetan said...

"I'm not quite sure how much influence this minor party has, they have 7 of 75 seats in Cardiff, in the greater scheme of things, wishful thinking probably."

Check your facts - the Lib Dems and Plaid are in coalition in Cardiff and a Plaid Cymru councillor is the cabinet member for Traffic and Transportation so he probably has quite a lot of influence over...um...traffic and transport!

Vole said...

But do they understand a balance sheet?